

The School

3rd Primary School of New Ionia Volos

Who we are:
Our school is located in Volos, in Thessaly region, in the central Greece.We have 206 pupils(7-11) and 32 teachers.

Most of the pupils belong to families with a medium- to -low social-economic situation. Their problems are focused on lingual difficulties, while the differences in economic level are not considered so important because the whole population of the area belongs to the labour social rate.

In the past our school took part in two Comenius projects titled “Balanced Diet” and “Orbis Pictus”.We have great eTwnings experiences.Our pupils,living in a multicultural school environment, are very sensitized in integral development.

In our school there are special teachers for music, PE and there are subjects related to nutrition, environmental studies.All the staff has a great experience in both European and national projects. They are also experienced in participating in and working on projects that promote the integral development of pupils.

As coordinator school of this project we are highly determined to do our best in order to reach all the objectives assumed.
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