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Category Archives: Results

Traditional Games Research & Interviews

“FIGEST” the Italian Federation of Traditional Games and Sports informed the students in Todi , Italy about traditional games and students had the chance to practise them as well: 3rd Primary School of New Ionia’s  pupils asked their grandparents to talk about games they played as kids: Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 5 students conducted a research […]

Traditional Games on Video

Watch the following videos to see how we play our traditional games: Sentaball Banderín Il tiro alla fune Acchiappa la coda Corsa con sacchi La Peteca Country, Country, We want Soldiers! Ducks and hunters Yağ Satarim Bal Satarim (I Sell Oil I Sell Honey) Bezirganbaşı The Fishermen The Wolf and the Lamb

Curriculum – Based Learning Scenarios

We have developed a number of Learning Scenarios about Games and Sports Outdoor Learning to encourage teachers to use physical activity as an incentive for students to become more active in their learning. Here they are : Scenario 1:  Music and Physical Education LESSON PLAN- MUSIC Scenario 2: Maths and Physical Education  LESSON PLAN MATHS […]